In 2002 I started working as a creative in projects related to lettering, handlettering, calligraphy, editorial design, photography and video.
In 2017, Efless becomes my full-time studio where I continue to work with clients from all over the world, trying to improve and grow with each project.
I have had the opportunity to collaborate with music bands such as Much The Same, Desakato, Escuela de Odio, Atzembla, Acid Mess, The Attack of the Brain Eaters and many more creating artworks, posters, logos, merch designs, promos or music videos; music festivals such as Resurrection Fest, Tsunami Xixon, Caudal Fest, O Son do Camiño or Castelo Rock; drawn a series of 40 Edelvives religion school book covers; designed garments for Sevenly, The Bee & The Fox, Pampling or HRB Movement; or creating letterings, handletterings and calligraphies for different media, such as The New York Times Magazine or JOIA Magazine.
On the last day of 2020 and as a reminder that not everything that happened in that awful year was forgetable, Efless was rebranded as Seabell Studio, laser focusing on branding and typography, and lately on typography only. I started selling my own fonts and 2021 was unarguably my best year as a freelance designer. I even landed my first +5000€ comission and started getting some recognition in the design world.
From there I moved to a Senior Designer position at Boredom Kills Creative in June 2022. I saw a We’re Hiring ad popping on my feed, wrote them and what started as a 50% serious 50% joke question became a reality in a couple days. It’s been a blast since and Alex is hands down the best design studio owner out there.
You can see my work on the Seabell Studio site and in Behance, Instagram and Dribbble.
I take many photos (maybe too many) and sometimes I share them on this blog. Other day I remember that I’m also on Instagram and I upload one there.
A few people have asked about the equipment I use, even if what i use is a film camera. Although it may seem so, I only shoot digital. Right now I am using a small Fujifilm X-E3 and a few Fujicrons that I carry in a Billingham bag; and an 2021 iMac or iPad Pro 10.5 where I edit them using Lightroom CC.
Travel and photography have played an important role in my life since 2007. That year I bought my first DSLR camera and travelled alone to Tenerife in the summer. I was hooked by the way a camera makes you look at new places and I had that personal revelation where you realize that everything changes so fast. What you have in front of you may or may not be there tomorrow, places or people.
Three years later I had an identity crisis and I wasn’t happy with my life, so I quit my job and a couple weeks later I visited Japan. That travel opened my eyes and changed me forever. I focused on what I liked best, changed career, got rid of toxic people and never looked back. I still don’t know why it happened, but I’m glad it did.
When I came back from Japan, I was a happier guy, and a poorer one too. Travelling outside Spain was increasingly difficult for me, had to pay the bills and discovering new places was not a priority.
In 2014 I started having a regular income –kind of– and then I met my wife Cecilia. We moved to Madrid and again had no money but for food. So we found new jobs and the rest is history.
We’ve been visiting new and exiting cities around the world as often as possible, but we always want more. Having a child didn’t stop us going to Berlin with a 5 months old Max or to Basel 3 months later.
To this day, I have visited this places:
Disneyland, Paris, London, Italy
Porto, Coimbra
Berlin, Basel
Japan, London, Canterbury
New York, Marrakech
London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Basel
Lisbon, Japan
Rome, Naples, Pompeii
Back in 1995 I started playing bass guitar on punk-rock bands and up to 2013, I’ve been making noise wherever I was allowed to.
I’ve played and/or sung on Acid Rain, Bloodguts, Plan8, DinnerDog, Some Stuff, Bah-Zillions, Eleven Fingered Boy, The Rises, A Bleeding Hero and some other bands where I don’t even remember what I was doing.
You can stop by SoundCloud and listen to some of the recordings.
Listen to my heavy usage playlists on Spotify.
Right now, I’m probably playing some punk rock album for the nth time. I’ll never not love my musical roots.
This is a list of things I’d love to accomplish in this lifetime. The only rule here is that I can’t delete anything here, just add more:
- ● Having a son
- ○ Design something for Nike
- ● Land a 5000€+ commission
- ○ Land a 10000€+ commission
- ● Having one more
son daughter
- ○ Visit Chicago
- ● Visit New York
- ○ Come back to New York
- ● Visit Rome
- ○ Come back to Rome
- ● Visit Paris
- ● Come back to Paris
- ○ Travel a few USA National Parks
- ○ Travel Canadian National Parks
- ○ Travel the Big Sur driving a muscle car
- ○ Release the Orpin Type Foundry
- ● Sell a font for 10€+
- ○ Publish a book (of any kind)
- ○ Release music on vynil